Friday, November 28, 2008


Many living things need each other to survive. I have lived for most of my life near trees known as Colorado aspens. If you are familiar with this tree, you may have noticed that it does not grow alone.

Aspens are found in clusters, or groves. We're told that the reason for this is because aspens can multiply from the roots. They send up lots of new shoots every year. These become saplings that grow quickly and make new baby aspens of their own. In some groves, all of the trees may actually be connected by their roots. It is as if they are one tree.

Another tree, the giant California redwood, may tower 300 feet into the sky. We've seen pictures of tunnels carved into massive trunks wide enough to drive an automobile through. It seems they would require the deepest of roots to anchor them against strong winds. But instead their roots are actually shallow -- they spread out wide in search of surface water. And they reach in all directions, intertwining with roots of other redwoods. Locked together in this way, all the trees support each other in wind and storms.

Aspens and redwoods never stand alone. They need one another to survive.

People, too, are connected by a system of roots. We grow up in families that nurture and guide us. We learn early to make friends who support us in different ways. We are not meant to survive long without others. And like the giant redwoods, we do best when we hold onto one another and help each other to keep standing through life's storms. We need others to hold us up, encourage us and to stand with us.

When I'm not doing well, it is often because I am going it alone. I don't always let others in. I forget to ask for help; I keep my problems to myself. And though I may not see it, others around me might be doing the same thing.

It helps to remember how much like those trees we really are. It might be time to let someone else help hold you up for awhile. Or perhaps someone needs to hang on to you.

-- Steve Goodier

Monday, November 3, 2008


Ted Engstrom in HIGH PERFORMANCE (Here's Life Publishers, 1988) tells the story of a trusted advisor of President Abraham Lincoln who recommended a candidate for Lincoln's cabinet. Lincoln declined and when asked why, he said, "I don't like the man's face."

"But the poor man is not responsible for his face," his advisor insisted. "Every man over forty is responsible for his face," Lincoln replied, and the prospect was considered no more.

That makes me want to look into a mirror! It's always been a comfort to me that I am BEHIND my face. I can look at something else. Lincoln, of course, was referring to the man's expression and disposition rather than his features. And I believe that we do bear some responsibility here.

If our faces convey the thoughts and attitudes nurtured in our minds, then we are responsible for our faces. And we are responsible for how we will "face" each day.

One woman reported that she had just paid for some purchases when she heard the cashier say something. Not understanding, she asked her to repeat it. "I said have a happy day," the cashier snapped. "Are you deaf?" Here is a person who seems to be unaware of how she is facing others.

Earl Nightingale put it like this: "Our attitude is something we can control. We can establish our attitude each morning when we start our day. In fact, we do just that whether we realize it or not."

And that's the point, isn't it? If I realize that I am already choosing my attitudes every day, I can make better choices. If I realize that I am already choosing my face, I can put on different face.

If I face the day with a little more hope and confidence, more generosity and love, I'll be happier for it. And who knows? Maybe a modern day Lincoln will say he likes my face.
-- Steve Goodier